Do You Have a Word for 2025?

It’s that time of year again. Holiday shopping, wrapping, cooking, partying and family gatherings are over. We’ve begun to catch our breath, and we’re immersed in “Best of” and “Reviewing the Year” in all of the media. And, inevitably, we begin to turn our attention to 2025.

Some of us make resolutions. Fewer of us keep those resolutions. Some of us choose a Word of the Year (WOTY). Some of us just hope for the best, and some of us just move ahead – perhaps feeling the optimism of a fresh start or just continuing as usual. How we deal with the close of one year and the opening of another is a very personal thing.

Here at College Parent Central we’ve taken different approaches over the years (and yes, there have been a lot of years by now.) In the past we’ve offered some resolution suggestions for college parents and students. We’ve offered some suggestions for high school parents and students. We’ve thought about what makes a good resolution.  We’ve suggested activities for the new yearpeople to thank, and even offered a few “one-and-done” resolutions. For the past few years, we’ve experimented with a Word of the Year. In 2022 we suggested some options for the WOTY approach. There’s no shortage of plans that we can all make. You might enjoy going back and checking out some of our earlier suggestions.

This year, as we looked back and some of our earlier suggestions, we decided that the word we chose in 2023 fits well this year as well. We’ve decided to update and re-release this article because we believe it’s a timely choice for 2025. We’re suggesting a specific word both you and your student might adopt. The choice of this word is based on what we’ve observed over the past year in the students we’ve worked with and what many of us, as parents, may be feeling as well..

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Happy Birthday to Us! College Parent Central Celebrates a Milestone!

2024 is a big year for College Parent Central, and today is a big day. We’ve just turned 15! That’s right. College Parent Central is 15 years old today!

This means we’ve spent a lot of years focusing on college parents, learning everything we can about college parenting, and sharing as much as we are able to help make your journey go more smoothly and to let you know you’re not alone. We’re here for you. That’s the reason College Parent Central exists.

When we first launched on April 1st in 2009, we weren’t sure what to expect. It seemed somehow appropriate to choose April Fool’s Day. Launch something that seems like a good idea and see what happens? A fool’s effort? A joke? Or something that can help parents manage the college journey. Who knows?

We recognized that college parents (and high school parents, too) needed information and support, and we hoped we could help provide some of that guidance. Now, as we celebrate our 15th year doing this work, we continue that belief, and parents continue to let us know they appreciate the information we provide.

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Focusing on a Word in 2024: Resilient

Happy New Year! We needed to let the holidays settle and give everyone time to get their bearings this year before tackling a look ahead. Although we often try to get those important resolutions made before January 1, sometimes there’s more clarity after we’ve recovered from the busy holiday season.

But now it’s time to look ahead.

Some of us make resolutions. Fewer of us keep those resolutions. Some of us choose a Word of the Year (WOTY). Some of us hope for the best, and some of us just move ahead – perhaps feeling the optimism of a fresh start or just continuing as usual. How we deal with the close of one year and the opening of another is a very personal choice.

Here at College Parent Central we’ve taken different approaches over the years (and yes, there have been a lot of years by now.) In the past we’ve offered some resolution suggestions for college parents and students. We’ve offered some suggestions for high school parents and students. We’ve thought about what makes a good resolution.  We’ve suggested activities for the new yearpeople to thank, and even offered a few “one-and-done” resolutions. Two years ago we suggested some options for the WOTY approach. Last year we narrowed that down to suggest a particular word – power. That word is still an apt one and we explained many reasons why in last year’s article. Whether or not you decide to choose a word, we highly recommend going back and reading about power as you and your student look ahead to the new year.

This year, we’re going to continue with the Word of the Year approach because it makes sense. Besides, it’s easier to hang on to a single word than to remember (and live up to) a string of resolutions!

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Looking Back to Move Forward: 2023 at College Parent Central

It’s that time of year again when just about everyone, every publication, organization and media outlet is doing a “Year in Review” or “Best Of.” Reflecting is always a good exercise before moving forward – and the New Year is all about moving forward! Looking at how we’ve come to where we are often helps us set some goals and find our direction.

So before we look ahead, make plans, make resolutions we probably won’t keep, or set goals for 2024, we’d like to take a moment to look back at 2023.

We invite you to take a few minutes to reflect with us, and to think about how you view your role as a college parent. How have you grown into the role over the past year or how have you prepared for the role?  Where might you and your college student go next year?

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Do You Have a Word for 2023?

It’s that time of year again. Holiday shopping, wrapping, cooking, partying and family gatherings are over. We’ve begun to catch our breath, and we’re immersed in “Best of” and “Reviewing the Year” in all of the media. And, inevitably, we begin to turn our attention to 2023.

Some of us make resolutions. Fewer of us keep those resolutions. Some of us choose a Word of the Year (WOTY). Some of us just hope for the best, and some of us just move ahead – perhaps feeling the optimism of a fresh start or just continuing as usual. How we deal with the close of one year and the opening of another is a very personal thing.

Here at College Parent Central we’ve taken different approaches over the years (and yes, there have been a lot of years by now.) In the past we’ve offered some resolution suggestions for college parents and students. We’ve offered some suggestions for high school parents and students. We’ve thought about what makes a good resolution.  We’ve suggested activities for the new yearpeople to thank, and even offered a few “one-and-done” resolutions. Last year we suggested some options for the WOTY approach. There’s no shortage of plans that we can all make. You might enjoy going back and checking out some of our earlier suggestions.

This year we’re taking the WOTY approach one step further and suggesting a specific word both you and your student might adopt. The choice of this word is based on what so many of us are feeling, and also on what we’ve observed over the past year in the students we’ve worked with.

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Looking at 2022 at College Parent Central

It’s that time of year when just about everyone, every publication, organization and media outlet is doing a “Year in Review” or “Best Of.” Taking stock is often a good thing. Reflecting is always a good exercise before moving forward. Looking at how we’ve come to where we are often helps us set some goals and find our direction for the future.

So before we look ahead, make plans, make resolutions we probably won’t keep, or set goals for 2023, we’d like to take a moment to look back at 2022.

We invite you to take a few minutes to reflect with us, and to think about how you view your role as college parent. How have you grown into the role over the past year or how have you prepared for the role?  Where might you and your college student go next year?

We continue to grow

Numbers certainly don’t tell the whole story, but sometimes they’re a reasonable place to start.

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Holiday Gift Ideas for Your Student – 2022 (Plus over 100 more!)

We’ve rolled around the calendar to the holiday season again! How is that possible?

As we think about family and friends – those we will gather with and those afar – we naturally begin to think about gifts. And sometimes it can seem especially tough to come up with ideas for your college student. They’ve been away for a few months and it may be harder to think about what they need and want. Or perhaps your student will just be heading to college next fall and you’d like to give them a head start on some good college-useful gifts.

Of course, you know your student better than anyone and can tap into their interests and needs. Maybe they’ve even given you some suggestions or made some requests.

But just in case you’re stumped, we’re here to help. We have 15 new suggestions this year to add to the over 100 suggestions in our Holiday Gift Guide. Start with this year’s list and then hop over to our Guide for even more food for thought. Check out our ideas and then let your own creativity take over! If you have additional ideas or suggestions, share them in the comments. Let’s make the a community project!

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College Parent Central Celebrates Another Birthday!

April 1. April Fool. The ideal day to start a new, crazy adventure.

Thirteen years ago, on April 1, 2009, College Parent Central was born.  It felt right. Launch something that seems as though it might be a good idea and see what happens. Who knows?

Now, on April 1, 2022, we’re proud to say that we still think it’s a good idea and we’re still here. Still growing. Still finding new and interesting ways to reach out to parents. Still providing information and support.

We’re celebrating our birthday!

When we began College Parent Central thirteen years ago, there wasn’t much of anything available to help college parents understand their role and how to support their student. There were a few books out there and a very few articles online. In the years since, we’ve been joined in this space by many websites, organizations and a host of books for parents and students. College parents matter and knowing how best to help your student can make a difference.

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5 Words to Share with Your Student for the New Year

It’s almost here. A new year. 2022.

In the past we’ve offered some resolution suggestions for college parents and students. We’ve offered some suggestions for high school parents and students. We’ve thought about what makes a good resolution.  We’ve suggested activities for the new year, people to thank, and even offered a few “one-and-done” resolutions. There’s no shortage of plans that we can all make.

This year we’re changing it up a bit and looking at the WOTY approach. Perhaps you’ve been doing this for years, or it may be new to you. With Word Of The Year you choose a single word as a reflection or mantra to guide you throughout the year. You use this word to help you focus and visualize a feeling, aspiration, or theme, (not a specific goal) and to provide motivation and help you channel your energy and resources throughout the year.

For many people this approach is more helpful than making several resolutions that may not last more than a few weeks. If you’ve ever found yourself in February with a list of stale resolutions, you know it can happen.

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Reviewing Our Year at College Parent Central – 2021

Here at College Parent Central, we do a brief look back every December to review our year. Looking back gives us some perspective to think about our goals and plans for the New Year. Reflection is always a good exercise.

Last year, at the end of 2020, we all hoped that we were putting our difficult Covid lives behind us. Things have improved in many areas by now, but we appear to still be in the middle of pandemic uncertainties. It’s hard to say what ”normal” is these days.

But this year many of us will be able to spend time with families and be able to resume some of our favorite traditions. We hope this is true for you and your family.

We kept busy

Despite the difficulties of the past two years, 2021 was another busy year at College Parent Central.

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