It’s that time of year again. Holiday shopping, wrapping, cooking, partying and family gatherings are over. We’ve begun to catch our breath, and we’re immersed in “Best of” and “Reviewing the Year” in all of the media. And, inevitably, we begin to turn our attention to 2025.
Some of us make resolutions. Fewer of us keep those resolutions. Some of us choose a Word of the Year (WOTY). Some of us just hope for the best, and some of us just move ahead – perhaps feeling the optimism of a fresh start or just continuing as usual. How we deal with the close of one year and the opening of another is a very personal thing.
Here at College Parent Central we’ve taken different approaches over the years (and yes, there have been a lot of years by now.) In the past we’ve offered some resolution suggestions for college parents and students. We’ve offered some suggestions for high school parents and students. We’ve thought about what makes a good resolution. We’ve suggested activities for the new year, people to thank, and even offered a few “one-and-done” resolutions. For the past few years, we’ve experimented with a Word of the Year. In 2022 we suggested some options for the WOTY approach. There’s no shortage of plans that we can all make. You might enjoy going back and checking out some of our earlier suggestions.
This year, as we looked back and some of our earlier suggestions, we decided that the word we chose in 2023 fits well this year as well. We’ve decided to update and re-release this article because we believe it’s a timely choice for 2025. We’re suggesting a specific word both you and your student might adopt. The choice of this word is based on what we’ve observed over the past year in the students we’ve worked with and what many of us, as parents, may be feeling as well..