The more that college parents know and understand about the college experience, the less we worry and the better we will be able to help our students to succeed and thrive throughout their college career. However, there is an overwhelming amount of information out there on the web. We’d like to help you find some of the information that might be most interesting and useful to you as a college parent.
In News and Views we share recent college related news and sources we’ve found as we do our research. We hope that this feature will help to introduce you to new ideas and to help you keep up with some of the current issues that may affect your college student — and you.
We invite you to read some of the articles suggested below — and to let us know what you think of some of the ideas included here.
Value Matters When Choosing a College. But Not Just the Price Kind.
College fit is so often undervalued. This can make the difference for so many students. Be sure to honor those gut feelings.
Five Things to Do Before Your Child Leaves for College
These are best the summer before leaving, but it’s never too late (or too early) to check on this list. If college is still a year away, save this somewhere for next summer.
Move out Skills: How to Deal with Difficult Adults
This is worth a conversation with your student before college. There will be difficult people, your student shouldn’t have to call home to ask what to do.
How to Help a Teenager Be College Ready
Great advice for how to help your student be ready to run her own life. Especially helpful to think about starting early and helping provide some scripts for new situations.
Happier Parents Do These 10 Things
Happier parents make happier (and better adjusted) children — and college students, too. Read the list and see how you do. Can you improve?
The importance of all of those small decisions students need to make each day — just like we do in real’ life. And the value of lots of fresh starts. Important article reviewing what sounds like an important book.
Not Going to College: Don’t Freak Out If Your Teenager Says ”No” to College
College may not be the path for everyone, and many studies are suggesting that a well-used gap year can be beneficial.
College Bound? The Fees Could End Up Being a Big Surprise
Be sure to help your student plan for those extra fees – and textbook costs. While some fees may be avoided, be sure your student buys those textbooks, no matter how much they cost.
How to Get the Most Out of College
This should be required reading for every student headed to college (and their parents). Please share with your student.
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