Your student has headed to college. Before they made their choice of college you both spent lots of time getting to know all about the college. Your student made their choice and has headed off to a new adventure. It may be a few miles away, or may be a long way from home.
But whether your student’s college is close to home or half way across the country, the school is located in a town or city. And that town or city has become your student’s new home. Hopefully, as your student spends time at their new home-away-from-home, they’ll get to know the surroundings. The college experience is all about expanding horizons, and getting beyond the bounds of the college campus is part of that experience.
Why does the college town matter to parents?
You’re not going to live in your student’s college town, your student is. So why should you have any interest in getting to know it? Largely for two reasons: you can help your student discover some new things — or let them show you what they’ve discovered, and — it can be fun!