When your student goes away to college you may feel that your parenting job is ending. You’re told to ”let go,” but in reality, your role just shifts to a new stage. In this episode, Vicki and Lynn talk about some of the changes that take place as we find new ways to parent our students from a distance. It is important that parents think about how to stay in touch without hovering, how to make the most of opportunities to communicate with their student, how to detect potential difficulties, as well as what to do when you can’t attend those special events. Parents can use this process of changing roles to establish new and lasting ways to connect with their emerging adult students.
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Both Vicki and Lynn have experienced what it feels like to parent college students who are a distance from home. It’s sometimes difficult to remember that parents still have a role to play in helping their students grow and succeed in college. There are lots of things to think about and definitely ways to be involved with your student.
Lynn mentioned the workshops that we have offered to parents for many years. We love talking to parents! If you’d like to schedule something for your organization or school – or even just a gathering of friends, check out our Workshop page. Once we can all gather safely, we’d love to bring our message, tips, and suggestions to you.
Lynn also mentioned an important book about communicating with our students. Check out our review of The iConnected Parent by Barbara Hofer.
And here are a few additional College Parent Central articles that follow up on some of the topics we discussed.
Three Things You Should NOT Ask Your College Student to Share with You
Ten Ways to Reach Out Through Your College Student’s Campus Mailbox
Sending Your Student the Best College Care Package Ever
College Parents, Hold That Advice!
What to Do When Your College Student Doesn’t Call
Here are some earlier podcast episodes we also mentioned:
#005 – Communicating with Your College Student
#017 – How to Move Forward After Academic Probation or Dismissal
Don’t forget that you can listen to all of our previous podcast episodes here or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. You can also go to followthepodcast.com/collegeparentcentral to add our podcast so that you’ll receive each new episode as we release it.
Let us know what you’d like to hear about on future podcasts! Leave a comment below or email us at [email protected].
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