Help Your College Student Have a Successful First Semester of College!
FirstTerm! is specifically designed for first semester college students to help them navigate the transition from high school student to successful college student.
(If your student is beginning their second term at college, check out our Fresh Start subscription series geared for making the second semester even better than the first.)

FirstTerm! is a weekly newsletter sent to students in the Fall semester. Registration for Fall 2024 is closed. Our next FirstTerm! series begins August, 2025 for the Fall 2025 semester.
You want to help your student have a successful college experience, but you’re not sure how you can help, because…
- You’ve been told you’re supposed to “let go”, but you think your student may still need guidance.
- You did not attend college and you don’t know what kind of advice your student may need.
- Like so many teenagers, your student dismisses your advice just because you’re “the parent.”
FirstTerm! can help provide the guidance and advice that your student needs.
Students who understand how college works have the edge.
Your college student may get lots of help and support at school, or may be left to figure out the best approach on their own. Many schools have help available, but only when the student asks for it. Your student may need more guidance than they realize, or may find it difficult to ask for help.
Your student wants to do well, but doesn’t know what they need to know to succeed.
Give your student an advantage by by signing them up to receive information and a gentle nudge weekly.
FirstTerm! is a quick, easy to read weekly newsletter sent directly to your student’s e-mail to help them focus on strategies for a successful first semester at college.
Send your student off to college armed with First Term! and you’ll give them the gift of guidance and motivation throughout their entire first semester! You’ll know that they are receiving the information that they need to be as successful as possible.

Who Needs FirstTerm!?
Any student who wants to do well in a first semester of college will benefit from FirstTerm!
- Students who may be anxious about the academic pressures ahead.
- Students who may need help getting organized and managing their time.
- Students who aren’t sure how their college experiences will be different from their high school days.
- Students who may have struggled academically and need help knowing how to make the best use of their study time.
- Students who are nervous about getting involved and getting to know other students and faculty.
How Does FirstTerm! Work?
FirstTerm! is a weekly e-mail newsletter sent directly to your student. Each week of the first semester your student will receive practical tips, suggestions, and gentle reminders of things to think about and do. Messages in First Term! are geared for the appropriate time of the semester. Your student will get the information that they need right when they need it.
Your student will get help starting off on the right foot in their classes, help negotiating the adjustment to college, help weathering mid-semester exams and papers, help making the most of their time and improving their study skills, and help tackling end of semester stress.
What's Covered in FirstTerm!?
FirstTerm! is written by a college professor who sees students who excel – and students who struggle – every day. FirstTerm! shares the secrets to success with all students.
Sample FirstTerm! articles include:
- “One Sure Fire Way to Get to Know Your Professor Quickly”
- “Too Late for a First Impression?”
- “Should You Take Your Laptop to Class?”
- “Secrets to Surviving Those Early Morning Classes”
- “Protect Your GPA!”
- “The Power of Groups”
- “How’s Your E-Mail Etiquette?”
- “Four Dangerous Myths About Being Undecided About a Major “
- “Making Sense of Midterm Grades”
- “Test Taking Hint: The Essay Question”
- “Beat the Procrastination Monster”

Why FirstTerm! for my college student?
Being a college student is hard work. Being a successful college student requires not only hard work, but also requires that your student
- Understand what is expected in college
- Understand how the college system works
- Make wise decisions about how, when, what, and where to study
- Know how to work effectively with office hours
- Know how to manage time and balance activities
- Know how to advocate for what they need

Action Plans and Just-in-Time Information
Your student needs an action plan. FirstTerm! provides a guided plan for success. This is a great way to help your student stay on track throughout the semester, when those early suggestions from summer orientation may be only dimly remembered. We’ll provide the coaching to help your student stay successfully in the game.
Designed specifically for the first semester of college, FirstTerm! helps students navigate the transition from high school student to successful college student.
There’s a limited time to register your student to receive FirstTerm! for this fall semester. For $90, your student will receive 15 weeks of expert guidance and motivation. The next FirstTerm! series begins August 25, 2024, so register now. Registration closes on August 30, 2024. Once the semester gets underway, it’s too late.
Give your student the advantage of professional support – delivered directly each week.
Don’t miss this opportunity.
Sign your student up now and ease the transition to college by arming your student with the knowledge that they need to succeed. It may be one of the best investments in your student’s education that you can make!
Satisfaction Guaranteed
We’re so sure that your student will find FirstTerm! helpful, that we’re offering you a guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with our FirstTerm! newsletter, we’ll refund your purchase price immediately. Simply contact us through our website and let us know why First Term! isn’t useful to your student. We’ll completely refund your money.
It’s that simple.