What if you think your student may not be ready for college? What if your student feels they just need a break? In this podcast, Lynn and Vicki look at college admission deferral, high school postgrad programs and other gap year options. If you are thinking of a gap year you’ll need to consider the advantages and disadvantages, how to investigate options, and what to expect. This is an excellent opportunity for conversations about readiness, motivation, and specific goals for a possible year out.
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In this episode we explore several different options for taking a break for a year between high school and college, and we discussed why this can be an ideal choice for some students.
Lynn mentioned a program she learned about from her sons about working on organic farms. It’s called WWOOFing! That stands for WorldWide Opportunities on Organic Farms. WWOOFers, as they are called, can go many places around the world and live with a family while working on their farm. Here’s a link to the WWOOF website so you can check it out for yourself.
Vicki mentioned the Gap Year Association which provides helpful information about taking a gap year, as well as information about many gap year programs.
Please note that College Parent Central does not endorse nor benefit from these organizations. These are provided simply as informational resources.
Here are some articles on these topics that may provide further information:
Should Your Student Consider a High School Postgrad Year?
Should My Student Consider Taking a Gap Year Before Starting College?
Should My Student Consider Deferring Enrollment to College?
Students May Be Accepted to College But for Spring Admission
If your student is in high school, check out our e- 60 Practical Tips for Using the High School Years to Prepare for College Success. This guide is not about getting in to college. It is about how to work now to help your student succeed once they get to college. Open the door and get the conversations started!
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