You’re never done with the job of parenting — even at the college level. Many students have a fear of failure and feel pressure to succeed. Some students are unable to handle failure when it happens. As parents is can be more painful to watch our student struggle than to struggle ourselves. We try to build confidence in our students, but we actually need to let them build their own competence by making mistakes and learning from them. In this episode, Lynn and Vicki discuss some of the frustrations college student learners feel and how parents can support them to redefine success and gain the resilience and grit that they need to thrive.
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As we explored the topic of failure in this episode, we also explored its relationship to motivation and resilience. All of these characteristics tie together as we work with students to succeed.
We drew heavily from several books in this episode. We recommend all of them as you consider these topics.
The Gift of Failure by Jessica Lahey. (Read our review of the book here.)
Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck
Grit by Angela Duckworth
If you’d like to hear more from Jessica Lahey, here’s a video of one of her talks.
We mentioned an earlier podcast episode about communication that may help you talk to your student.
#005 – Communicating With Your College Student
And here are a few additional articles on related topics that may be helpful.
How Parents Can Help Students Value Their Mistakes
Talking to Your College Student About Grades
More Than a GPA: Seven Qualities That Matter
Don’t forget that you can listen to all of our previous podcast episodes here or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. You can also go to to add our podcast so that you’ll receive each new episode as we release it.
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