The more that college parents know and understand about the college experience, the less we worry and the better we will be able to help our students to succeed and thrive throughout their college career. There is an overwhelming amount of information out there on the web. We’d like to help you find some of the information that might be most interesting and useful to you as a college parent.
In News and Views we share recent college related news and sources we’ve found as we do our research. We hope that this feature will help introduce you to new ideas and help you keep up with some of the current issues that may affect your college student – and you.
We invite you to read some of the articles suggested below – and to let us know in the comments what you think of some of the ideas included here.
How Colleges Choose Which Students to Admit
It’s difficult to predict and each college has its own criteria. AND if you want to really dig deeper into understanding admissions, check out Who Gets In and Why by Jeffrey Selingo. Fascinating!
7 Health Tips Every College-Bound Teen Needs to Know
Important advice and so often overlooked.
What Causes Your Brain to Procrastinate and How to Face It
Probably most of us can use this, but it’s an especially good article to share with your student. It’s one of the biggest challenges to student success.
Tips for Parents: 23 Things to do in 2023
Even if you can only manage a few of these, it’s great advice.
The Conversation You Need to Have with Your Teen About College Admissions
Great advice! Help your teen gain perspective on the college admissions process.
What Are Some Healthy Ways for Adolescents to Engage with Social Media?
We all know that social media and technology are ever-present. Talking to your student about how and how much they engage with social media while they are in high school will help them lay a foundation for when they are on their own in college.
Tips for Healthy Social Media Use: For Parents and Teens
Great points to get a conversation with your student started. We could all probably use some of this advice.
How to Fight Senioritis and Get to Graduation
When you’re almost at the finish line it’s not the time to slow down!
Focusing on the Right Fit Make the College Search Easier – and More Fun
Easier? And More Fun? Both in the same sentence with “college search?” You know you want to read this article!
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