The more that college parents know and understand about the college experience, the less we worry and the better we will be able to help our students to succeed and thrive throughout their college career. However, there is an overwhelming amount of information out there on the web. We’d like to help you find some of the information that might be most interesting and useful to you as a college parent.
In News and Views we share recent college related news and sources we’ve found as we do our research. We hope that this feature will help to introduce you to new ideas and to help you keep up with some of the current issues that may affect your college student — and you.
We invite you to read some of the articles suggested below — and to let us know what you think of some of the ideas included here.
Helicopter Parenting Leads to Serious Workplace Setbacks
As the article says, ”let them breather and make decisions. . . ” We can help our students by doing less for them.
What It Takes to Get Into College If You Have Learning Differences
”It’s just a matter of knowing the rules and the odds.”
College Application Tips for Students Taking Virtual Classes
This is a year like no other. Make your application like no other.
How Transferring Colleges Can Affect Student Loans
Your financial aid amounts may not change much when you transfer to a new school, or they could change significantly. Be sure you gather all of the information that you can before you make that final decision.
A College Student Is Coming Home. Should the Whole Family Wear Masks?
Life is different and involves choices and decisions.
As Covid Disrupts Family Finances, It’s Forcing College Students To Think Hard About Their Dreams
This virus is affecting so many in so many ways. Talk to your student to find out what’s on their mind.
A Holiday Admission Holiday: Friends and Family Guide
We could all use these reminders.
Stress and Confusion: How COVID-19 Is Complicating College Applications
Senior year is stressful in the best of times: add in a global pandemic and this is a very difficult year for students in the midst of the admission process.
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