Care packages. Students love to get them and, most of the time, we love to send them. They make a connection. They send a message to your student that you’re thinking about them.
There are many services you can contract to send a package – or a series of packages to your student. If you’re pressed for time, that’s a great way to reach out. But there’s nothing like a personal care package, one you put together just for your student, to really say, “I’m thinking about you.”
If you’re not sure what to put in your personal care package, check out our earlier article full of ideas. And if you want to add one or two fun new things, the list below may give you some ideas. All of the items below (except the two books) are under $20 and can spice up your package.
Check out this list and our earlier article and then let your imagination take over. Any time is a good time for a care package – and you can never send too many!