Although most students on campus have a meal plan, many students either don’t have the time to hit the dining hall or they don’t like the food. When Sarah Long’s oldest daughter went to college, she needed some recipes she could prepare in in her dorm room. After texting many recipes, her mom decided to put them together in a cookbook. In this episode Vicki and Lynn talk to Sarah about her book, and her suggestions for using everything from a microwave and blender to an electric skillet and slow cooker to prepare healthy meals – and a few treats as well.
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This episode is a little different. We love to cook and talk about cooking a lot and, of course, we also love to talk about college parenting. Today we got to combine these topics and talk with Sarah Long, author of the cookbook College Cooking 101: Fast Food Without a Kitchen.
Sarah’s cookbook adapts recipes to be able to cook them in microwaves, slow cookers, electric skillet or toaster ovens. It also adapts large family recipes for one person.
Students are busy individuals, and being able to prepare something healthy and tasty on the fly is an important skill.
We shared some information that an article in the Journal of American College Health reported on a study by the Florida Gulf Coast University that indicated that students who ate more fruits and vegies and who ate breakfast had higher GPAs. It also indicated that students who ate more fast food had lower GPAs.
Our interview with Sarah will get you thinking about what your college student may be eating. You may want to send this cookbook off to college with them.
Check out Sarah’s book, College Cooking 101: Fast Food Without a Kitchen.
Sarah also mentioned that some of her favorite cookbooks are from Rachel Ray. Here are a couple of her cookbooks if you’d like to give them a try – or include them for your student who might be living in an apartment and ready to take on more cooking.
30 Minute Meals by Rachel Ray
Express Lane Meals by Rachel Ray
When we asked Sarah about any books she might recommend to other parents, she mentioned one of our favorites: The Naked Roommate by Harlan Cohen. It’s a lot of fun!
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