The college admission process can be overwhelming, anxiety-producing, and thrilling all at the same time. We had a conversation with Dr. Aviva Legatt founder of Ivy Insight College Counseling and author of the book Get Real and Get In: How to Get Into the College of Your Dreams by Being Your Authentic Self. Dr. Legatt shared advice for how students can avoid working to impress admissions officers and focus who they truly are in order to find the college that is right for them. This conversation will help parents think about how to be a facilitator in their student’s college search.
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We had a fascinating conversation with Dr. Aviva Legatt, author of the book Get Real and Get In and founder of the college consulting firm Ivy Insight.
Dr. Legatt shared several key ideas including how to get to know yourself and research a college before applying and why trying to impress admissions offices often doesn’t work. You’ll want to hear all of the wealth of advice shared in this episode.
Dr. Legatt shared a wonderful piece of advice for parents and the admission process, “Be a facilitator nor a driver of the process.”
We asked Dr. Legatt about some book suggestions for parents and students and she gave us some great ones. She suggested anything by Adam Grant whose latest book is Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know, Dorie Clark’s book The Long Game: How to Be a Long-Term Thinking in a Short-Term World and Limitless: The Power of Hope and Resilience to Overcome Circumstance.
Check out Dr. Legatt’s book Get Real and Get In: How to Get Into the College of Your Dreams by Being Your Authentic Self. (Read our review of the book here.) You can also find out more about Dr. Legatt and her consulting work at
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