This is a sensitive and important issue for anyone who has a student living on a college campus. Susan Sorenson, author of the book After Campus Sexual Assault: A Guide for Parents, and professor at the University of Pennsylvania joins us to discuss how students, parents, and colleges deal with sexual misconduct. Susan shares advice on how parents can talk to their student before college as well as how to respond if their student shares information about something that has happened. Despite the difficult topic, this episode reminds us that as parents we all ”fiercely love our kids” and want the best for them.
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This is a difficult subject and many of us try to avoid talking about difficult subjects. But this is an important topic and we all need
to think about it. As Susan Sorenson, author of After Campus Sexual Assault: A Guide for Parents, shared with us, one in four women on campus may be affected.
We were pleased to be able to spend time talking to Dr. Sorenson about the many ways that college women might react to sexual misconduct
and how they do, or don’t, share that information with their families. We learned some new, and sometimes shocking, statistics and were also reminded how many campus resources are available to support students and also how essential open communication with our college students can be.
If your family is struggling with this issue, we hope this episode helps. We also recommend Dr. Sorenson’s book. If your family has not been touched personally by this issue, you may want to read the book and find a way to get involved proactively to help address this issue.
After Campus Sexual Assault: A Guide for Parents by Susan Sorenson
Here are a couple of other College Parent Central articles about topics covered in this interview that may help:
Recognizing the Signs That Your College Student May Be In Trouble and How You Can Help
Who’s Minding Your College Student’s Health?
Two Habits That Will Make Your Student Stop Listening to You
Conversations with Your College Student: What’s Your Listening Position?
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