The more that college parents know and understand about the college experience, the less we worry and the better we will be able to help our students to succeed and thrive throughout their college career. However, there is an overwhelming amount of information out there on the web. We’d like to help you find some of the information that might be most interesting and useful to you as a college parent.
In News and Views we share recent college related news and sources we’ve found as we do our research. We hope that this feature will help to introduce you to new ideas and to help you keep up with some of the current issues that may affect your college student — and you.
We invite you to read some of the articles suggested below — and to let us know what you think of some of the ideas included here.
Parents, Know Thyselves in Your Child’s College Admissions Process
It all comes down to trusting that we’ve done our job up to this point. This article is a good reminder.
Watching This Film Can Humanize Your College Process
The college process can definitely use some humanizing. This film can help us all reflect.
How Helping Your Adult Children Financially Can End Up Hurting Their Career
Ultimately, every family needs to evaluate what will work best, but this article gives food for thought.
Why Many Teens No Longer Even Look for a Summer Job
Summer job to help pay for college? Maybe.
University or Liberal Arts College: Which Is Right for You?
This question can help narrow the college search.
Senioritis: College Acceptance in Jeopardy
Tis the season to be careful. Talk to your high school senior.
Ten Tips for Living With Your Returning College Student
Parenting takes a whole new form when college students return home.