If your student is placed on probation or dismissed from college, it can feel devastating — like a virtual punch in the stomach — but this does not have to be the end of the road. In this episode, Vicki and Lynn suggest ways you can talk to your student about the situation. They help you understand what probation and dismissal mean, how to analyze what might have gone wrong, and create an action plan for next steps. No one begins college expecting to fail (though many may fear it.) Although this roadblock may feel overwhelming, focusing on moving forward will help you and your student find the opportunities this detour may provide.
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In this episode, Vicki and Lynn help parents understand what Academic Probation or Academic Dismissal can mean for students and their parents. Understanding that this isn’t necessarily the end of the road is key. It is important to remember that your first reactions after hearing the news can set the tone for future conversations.
This episode also takes parents through next steps and conversations that can help your student move forward in a positive direction.
Vicki and Lynn once again mentioned one of the books that is key to helping parents understand how failure can be a positive learning experience. Jessica Lahey’s book The Gift of Failure should be a must-read for all parents – and it’s never too early or too late.
Read our review of The Gift of Failure
Helpful earlier podcast episodes mentioned include:
#005 – Communicating with Your College Student
#008 – Helping Your Student Take Advantage of College Resources
Here are some additional College Parent Central articles that can provide further information:
How Parents Can Help College Students Value Their Mistakes
What to Say to Your College Student Who is In Trouble, Dismissed, or on Probation
What to Do If Your Student Is On Academic Probation
Helping Your College Student Avoid “How do I tell my parents?”
Academically Dismissed from College? Time for a Reset
Don’t forget that you can listen to all of our previous podcast episodes here or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. You can also go to followthepodcast.com/collegeparentcentral to add our podcast so that you’ll receive each new episode as we release it.
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