University of Maryland Classifieds>University of Maryland Online Courses>Environmental Gamechanger – Lead the Way to Sustainable Development

Environmental Gamechanger – Lead the Way to Sustainable Development

About this Course

Skill set for sustainability Nowadays there is a lot of talk about environmental sustainability, yet it has come to mean different things in different contexts. Although defining sustainability is complicated, understanding it is crucial in helping us solve urgent global issues. The newly emerging field of ‘sustainability science’ has identified a set of skills, critical to analysing and solving sustainability problems. In the MOOC Becoming an Agent of Sustainable Change, we will introduce you to these essential skills in an applied and interactive way. Through assignments, real-world inspirational cases of sustainability leaders, self-reflection and discussions with fellow learners, you will sharpen and personalise your skills. It will empower you to start your journey as an agent of sustainable change. Personal sustainability project As the course progresses, you will be able to directly set off sustainable development by applying these newly acquired skills to a real-world problem in your own living environment. You will choose a project of personal relevance to you, which can be any sustainability issue - big or small – that you wish to effect and change! For example: start a weekly community to limit food waste or recycle promote a plant rich diet by raising awareness at your work, or set up a project for renewable energy and insulation in your neighbourhood. It’s up to you! Start today So, are you eager to see a solution to the complex issues our world faces? Sustainable development can happen today, if you it want to. Join the growing force of environmental gamechangers and pick up the sustainability challenges you see near you. Take the lead, enrol now!

Created by: Wageningen University & Research

Level: Introductory

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