University of Maryland Classifieds>University of Maryland Online Courses>Nitrogen-related field measurements: Techniques, analyses and calculations

Nitrogen-related field measurements: Techniques, analyses and calculations

About this Course

We have to feed the world population but, currently, we do this at the expense of environment, climate and human health due to nitrogen pollution from the use of fertilizers. This is the nitrogen challenge, one of the biggest environmental challenges of the 21st century. Developing and improving nitrogen science globally could bring us closer to the solution. To do this, good measurements are key, providing us with information on the nitrogen status of the soil and the plants it nurtures. This can help us in understanding the underlying processes, establishing a solid basis for effective nitrogen management strategies. In this course, we provide training in: greenhouse gas flux measurements with closed static chambers, ammonia flux measurements with a dynamic chamber, a suite of widely-used plant and soil nitrogen measurements. The scientists of the South Asian Nitrogen Hub bring you guided training videos on measurement methods and laboratory analyses accompanied by detailed descriptions of procedures and calculations, as well as many downloadable materials useful both on the field and in the lab.

Created by: The University of Edinburgh

Level: Intermediate

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