The Hardware of a Quantum Computer

About this Course

There is no doubt that the quantum computer and the quantum internet have many profound applications, they may change the way we think about information, and they could completely change our daily life.The aim of this course is to help you get up to speed with current progress in the transition to a quantum information era. After an initial review of some of the basic concepts and operating principles of quantum computing and quantum information (e.g. the ket notation and quantum bits, the qubits), the course will feature an extensive discussion on some of the different ways qubits can be built. Then, we will discuss the four types of qubits that QuTech focuses on: topological qubits, spin qubits, superconducting qubits and NV center qubits. The course is a journey of discovery, so we encourage you to bring your own experiences, insights and thoughts via the forum! This course is authored by experts from the QuTech research center at Delft University of Technology. In the center, scientists and engineers work together to enhance research and development in quantum technology. QuTech Academy’s aim is to inspire, share and disseminate knowledge about the latest developments in quantum technology.

Created by: Delft University of Technology

Level: Intermediate

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