Simulating a hippocampus microcircuit

About this Course

Simulation Neuroscience is an emerging approach to integrate the knowledge dispersed throughout the field of neuroscience. The aim is to build a unified empirical picture of the brain, to study the biological mechanisms of brain function, behaviour and disease. This is achieved by integrating diverse data sources across the various scales of experimental neuroscience, from molecular to clinical, into computer simulations. In this course, you will gain the knowledge and skills needed to analyze and simulate microcircuit models of the rodent hippocampus. This course is part of a series of three courses, where you will learn to use state-of-the-art modeling tools of the Human Brain Project Brain Simulation Platform to simulate neurons, build neural networks, and perform your own simulation experiments. We invite you to join us and share in our passion to reconstruct, simulate and understand the brain!

Created by: École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne

Level: Advanced

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