University of Maryland Classifieds>University of Maryland Online Courses>Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming in C++

Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming in C++

About this Course

This course is the first of five courses aiming to help you to become confident working in the object-oriented paradigm in the C++ language. This specialisation is for individuals who want to learn about objected oriented programming. It\'s an all-in-one package that will take you from the very fundamentals of C++, all the way to building a crypto-currency exchange platform. During the five courses, you will work with the instructor on a single project: a crypto-currency exchange platform. Whilst building the project, you will learn about a range of programming techniques from basic control flow and input/output through to file parsing, object-oriented techniques and user interaction on the console. In this first course, you will get started with C++ by writing, building and running your first program. You will then learn about text input/output, if statements and loops by building an interactive menu system for the crypto-currency exchange platform. Upon completing the course, you will be able to: * Write, compile and run a C++ program that prints messages to the console * Use the standard library to do text I/O in the console * Write and call simple functions * Use a while loop to repeatedly receive and respond to user input

Created by: University of London

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