University of Maryland Classifieds>University of Maryland Online Courses>Healthcare Organization and Delivery Models - Post Pandemic

Healthcare Organization and Delivery Models - Post Pandemic

About this Course

Delivery system reform and disruptive innovation are the key leadership topics in healthcare. Understanding organizations and current delivery systems help leaders understand why there are poor outcomes and the need to change. Exposure to other more efficient and cost effective systems in all parts of the world allows the opportunity for learners to incorporate these ideas into the next iteration of their own healthcare delivery. Learners in this course will explore the multi-dimensional factors related to healthcare ethics of vulnerable populations. Examine the frameworks utilized in the practice of ethical deliberation on topics of specific concern in vulnerable populations, such as healthcare disparities, chronic mental illness and end-of-life care. Learners will be introduced to the change management process and methods for identifying key cultural features of an organization. Learners will be able to diagnose, develop, and implement organizational culture change through the use of social, behavioral, and organizational science.

Created by: Doane University

Level: Intermediate

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