GitHub Supply Chain Security Using GitGat

About this Course

Source code management systems are where code, ci-scripts, and Infrastructure as Code (IaC) scripts are stored and managed. That means that properly protecting the SCM is an important step towards securing the software supply chain, and specifically - securing your code. In this course, you will gain an understanding of these categories, why they are important, and how to implement the security controls in GitHub. We’ll use the open source GitGat security report as a guide to the needed security steps. We’ll then see how to use GitGat to set a continuous security audit that takes the current state into account. Finally, we’ll peek under the hood to understand OPA (Open Policy Agent), Gitgat’s underlying technology. The course is for anyone who has a GitHub account, manages repositories on GitHub, or is responsible for securing such repositories or accounts. The course could fit both hobbyists and professionals who manage GitHub organizations. In addition, the “under the hood” sections could be of interest to developers who are interested in OPA-based projects.

Created by: The Linux Foundation

Level: Introductory

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