Engineering for Your Classroom K – 3

About this Course

This course is designed for educators to learn about ways to teach Engineering and STEM concepts to their students through fun, hands-on activities. The goal is for teachers to feel more confident with engineering concepts and activities and to be able to create their own. This course will explore what engineering is and why it is important to teach it and introduce it to students at a young age, so we have more diversity in our engineering fields in the future. The course will take a look at how engineering ties to the curriculum in British Columbia and how you can use engineering design challenges to satisfy components of the Applied Design Skills and Technologies (ADST) curriculum. It will also dive into some basic coding for young learners and computational thinking strategies. We will provide suggestions for constraints when teaching these types of activities and various assessment and evaluation techniques. At the end of the course you will be provided with enough resources to begin to bring engineering design challenges into your classroom start to feel confident creating your own!

Created by: University of British Columbia

Level: Introductory

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