University of Maryland Classifieds>University of Maryland Online Courses>Enabling Entrepreneurs to Shape a Better World

Enabling Entrepreneurs to Shape a Better World

About this Course

Do you want to change the world? Do you want to know how to start? Nowadays, the world needs responsible leaders to solve problems that matter. It is up to us to come up with sustainable solutions to shape a better world. Become an entrepreneur and be part of the change! Join us on this journey that provides you with the latest tools and the mindset to discover the entrepreneur within yourself. By combining lectures from world-renowned speakers like Prof. Muhammad Yunus, Alexander Osterwalder and Hedda Pahlson-Moller with insights from serial social entrepreneurs, we delve into the world of social entrepreneurship. Topics range from business modeling and design thinking to impact creation and social innovation. This course will lead you through your own impact journey where you will get a full perspective of the world of social entrepreneurship and give you the essential insights to boost your entrepreneurial intention and become a real change maker. You are not alone in this journey—this course will connect you with like-minded people all around the world in order to create a community with different backgrounds, personalities, and perspectives. You will have the opportunity to interact with your peers through a dynamic learning structure that will encourage discussion and idea sharing on a weekly basis. After this course, you will be able to assess entrepreneurial opportunities through the perspective of both impact and business. The tools you acquire will enable you to turn these opportunities into viable social solutions and maximize impact. This course was created by the Social Entrepreneurship Akademie, a cooperation of the Munich Universities and their Entrepreneurship Centers.

Created by: seakademieX

Level: Introductory

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