University of Maryland Classifieds>University of Maryland Online Courses>Community Engagement: Collaborating for Change

Community Engagement: Collaborating for Change

About this Course

Now more than ever, people are seeking ways to affect change in their communities — both locally and around the world. This course is for anyone — from novices to experienced practitioners — who wants to work more effectively with community members and organizations, including through, but not limited to: community-academic partnerships social change projects community service and learning education and work abroad traditional and community-based participatory research non-profit internships public scholarship civic performance Prepare in advance or take this course simultaneously to get the most out of your experience by engaging with communities ethically, respectfully, and sustainably. Developed by a highly interdisciplinary team of U-Mcontent experts and faculty, this course is designed to be both engaging and challenging, offering an accessible entry into foundational topics as well as a jumping off point to pursue work and further learning in effective community engagement. It is also a toolkit and a roadmap that offers concrete takeaways and resources for working effectively with communities. Throughout the course, you’ll learn from experienced U-M students, faculty, and staff and local community partners, and you’ll have many opportunities to try out and apply the principles and concepts you’re learning. No prior community engagement experience necessary.

Created by: The University of Michigan

Level: Introductory

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