University of Maryland Classifieds>University of Maryland Online Courses>Climate Change: Financial Risks and Opportunities

Climate Change: Financial Risks and Opportunities

About this Course

Do you want to know more about how a warming planet is changing the landscape for investing? Geared towards professionals working in financial markets, this course provides a solid introduction to the financial risks and opportunities arising from man-made climate change. Our aim is to help you answer a simple question: Does climate risk matter to investors? We do this by defining the financial risks related to climate change and follow with the investment policies and risk management strategies that are taking shape. This course is also a starting point for risk and strategy managers anticipating the impacts from the Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) asking firms to disclose the climate risks they face. In short, the course is a primer on how global capital markets are responding the world’s greatest environmental risk. Participants will be exposed to the latest thinking from senior leaders in financial services and multinational firms. The course is led by business school faculty and The Centre for Climate Finance and Investment at Imperial College London; designed by investment practitioners for finance professionals and those aspiring to enter the field. Climate-KIC is supported by EIT, a body of the European Union.

Created by: Imperial College Business School,Imperial College London

Level: Intermediate

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