Cardiovascular & Respiratory Systems

About this Course

The human body is an amalgamation of specialised and complex systems. Normal, healthy body functions rely on a symphony of these systems, dynamically working in concert to keep us in a stable homeostatic state. This course begins by examining the unconscious regulation of body systems by the autonomic nervous system, helping us respond when homeostasis is challenged. We then explore the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in depth, providing an integrative perspective. We investigate the contractility of the heart, how the circulatory system distributes blood to tissues and organs, the key roles of the respiratory system in gas exchange and maintaining acid-base equilibrium, and the importance of the lymphatic system in maintaining fluid balance. The course aims to provide you with an appreciation of how homeostasis is regulated by close interactions between these body systems. This interactive course incorporates videos, insights from experts in human physiology, and assessment to test your new understanding of systems physiology.

Created by: The University of Queensland

Level: Introductory

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