University of Maryland Classifieds>University of Maryland Online Courses>AP® English Literature & Composition – Part 2: Poems

AP® English Literature & Composition – Part 2: Poems

About this Course

This course prepares you to read more deeply and write more clearly about works of literature. Through an engaging collection of videos, authentic readings, and support material from a variety of sources, you will learn to appreciate literature from different genres. You will learn about different genres of poetry and the history of some of our greatest poets. You will broaden your vocabulary while you sharpen your academic and creative writing skills. Interaction with other students will help you to refine your thinking about the reading and writing as well. You will learn to write under time pressure, and have the opportunity to complete practice assignments that are similar to those you will find on the AP examination. There are no prerequisites; you don’t have to take the AP exam to join the course. If you want to learn about poetry, literature and writing, this course is for you.

Created by: University of California, Berkeley

Level: Introductory

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