Classifieds>Tutors>Sho R. - Tutor

Sho R. - Tutor

Need help passing Texas cosmetology boards?
Hourly Fee: $29
Location: Cypress, TX
Travel Radius: 20 miles
Your first hour with any tutor is always 100% refundable!

Personal Statement

I am a licensed cosmetology instructor, licensed stylist and also licensed barber. I have been teaching cosmetology for 25 years with a 89% pass rate. I have patience and love to empower and equip students with the knowledge needed to be successful.

I have taught and ran two beauty shops successfully here in Houston and was very instrumental in getting hundreds of students licensed in cosmetology.

I am passionate about what I teach and spend time learning new techniques to stay market...


I went to two tutors to learn before Sho R taught me, but they didn't tell me the right thing at all, but Sho R taught me the right thing one by one. Sho R also pointed out the bad points and taught me the right thing. I wish I had learned from Sho R from the beginning. I highly recommend Sho R !!
- Yoshiko W. from Houston, TX