Classifieds>Tutors>Michael C. - Tutor

Michael C. - Tutor

Lifelong Technology Geek, 3D Printing, Chess, and Programming Teacher
Michael C. Tutors College Students
Hourly Fee: $55
Location: Orlando, FL
Travel Radius: 20 miles
In-person + Online
Your first hour with any tutor is always 100% refundable!

Personal Statement

If it's tech, I teach it. As long as I can remember computers and electronics of all kind were my passion.
I offer a variety of private and group 3D printing , coding and chess classes.
Have an exciting tech project idea that I don't currently offer? Ask me and I will create it!

Private Lessons Currently Offered(Contact me for more details)
Unity and C# Game Design and C# Programming
Chess Lessons - Beginner to Intermediate
Micro:Bit Electronics and Coding
Setting Up Your 3D Printer



I?m really learning a lot from Michael! Much appreciated! Can?t stop printing stuff! It is good I know a bit about 3D programs too!
- Benjamin T. from Caldwell, NJ
Hi, My son enjoyed working with Michael on 3D printing and is now able to use our 3-D printer. He really enjoyed his sessions with Michael and hopes to work with him in the future.
- Amy W. from San Jose, CA