Classifieds>Tutors>Jessica S. - Tutor

Jessica S. - Tutor

Math Tutor Who Loves To Hear: "Oh, Wow! Now I Get It."
Jessica S. Tutors College Students
Hourly Fee: $90
Location: Sarasota, FL
Travel Radius: 19 miles
Your first hour with any tutor is always 100% refundable!

Personal Statement

I am passionate about teaching math to students of all levels and ages. I have been tutoring privately for seven years, and enjoy working with every single one of my students, regardless of their abilities. My goal has always been to ?demystify? math so that each of my students can learn to love (yes, LOVE) math and feel good about themselves and their abilities.

I have experience ? and success - working with top students who are applying to highly competitive colleges , as well as students...