Classifieds>Tutors>Jaclyn T. - Tutor

Jaclyn T. - Tutor

Teacher looking to make learning more fun!
Jaclyn T. Tutors College Students
Hourly Fee: $60
Location: Fort Myers, FL
Travel Radius: 5 miles
In-person + Online
Your first hour with any tutor is always 100% refundable!

Personal Statement

I am so excited for the opportunity to become your Wyzant teacher/tutor! My name is Jaclyn and I have been working with students of all ages for the past 7+ years! I also hold a Master of Arts degree in Teaching with a K-6 licensure. I am passionate about teaching my students where they are at, and bringing them to where they want to be. Learning is supposed to be fun, and it is not a race. We all learn at our own paces and have our own strengths. That is why my teaching method starts by teac...