Rick Reese

School: Saddleback College
Department: Art
Location:Mission Viejo, CA
Overall Rating
rated by 2 students
Rating Comment
Emotionally harassed me in class. Odd how he never gave me criticism about my work but instead criticized me on a personal through sarcasm, passive aggression and innuendos. He flirts with his students (as said by others). It makes you feel uncomfortable because it makes you feel that he has other interests than the students work. It makes you think he treats his profession as a joke. He has a hard time understanding people. I don’t understand why he’d perceive shyness as anything else. He has an inflated ego and likes putting people down because he thinks it’s funny. He should be wise enough to understand and accept people if he wants people to understand and accept him. If he wants to continue hitting on his students (as a joke or to show off) or making dumb jokes he should at least stop targeting vulnerable people who can’t handle his behavior. Otherwise, he just comes off as Trump.
Emotionally harassed me in class. Odd how he never gave me criticism about my work but instead criticized me on a personal through sarcasm, passive aggression and innuendos. He flirts with his students (as said by others). It makes you feel uncomfortable because it makes you feel that he has other interests than the students work. It makes you think he treats his profession as a joke. He has a hard time understanding people. I don’t understand why he’d perceive shyness as anything else. He has an inflated ego and likes putting people down because he thinks it’s funny. He should be wise enough to understand and accept people if he wants people to understand and accept him. If he wants to continue hitting on his students (as a joke or to show off) or making dumb jokes he should at least stop targeting vulnerable people who can’t handle his behavior. Otherwise, he just comes off as Trump.


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