Omar Moran

School: California State University-San Bernardino
Department: Humanities
Location:San Bernardino, CA
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
Professor Moran is one of the best instructors I've had at CSUSB. I've taken him for a couple of classes. I've enjoyed all of the literature he assigns and the class discussions. He is a very supportive instructor, and he shows that he cares about his students. Don't get me wrong. His classes are not the easiest (there is a good amount of reading and writing), but he will give you all that you need to succeed and if you don't do well on one assignment, he will work with you to help you get an A on the next one. He is such a kind man, who is funny at times and is very passionate about American literature. You will learn a lot in his classes and you won't regret taking him.


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