Michael Levine

School: University of Maryland-University College
Department: Philosophy
Location:Adelphi, MD
Overall Rating
rated by 5 students
Rating Comment
Levine is rude. He makes you want to drop this class or worse, withdraw from school. He does not have the patience or understanding most professors have when teaching adult learners. His work load is very heavy for an intro class especially knowing many of the students are returning to school after years of hiatus. He has a way of killing your spirit and discouraging students. He makes you doubt your ability to perform at a college level all because he is not clear in his expectations. his directions come AFTER you started the assignment. I wish I re searched him prior to. I am confused why he still has a job if other students have complained before. I would not suggest anyone take this class. He is bad for your GPA and your self esteem. The biggest issue is that I am not learning anything just being berated.
He is the worst professor ever!!!! His expectations are way too freaking high and would not even explain why we are getting low scores. He is rude and disrespectful. Worst class! Don’t sign up for this professor!
Words cannot describe how I feel. I feel like in this class, no one really stands a chance. It definitely is not an intro class. I really hate to say this, but I wouldn’t recommend this professor. I wish I had looked him up before being in the class. Instructions can be unclear and it seems more information is given out after the assignment was due. Not to mention, the discussions are really hard based on how he grades and I have tried changing it up to try and do better. It seems as though it is expected for everyone to understand it the way he does. Nothing seemed to work for me and as someone newer to college getting the grades I did, really took a toll on me. If you do get this professor, good luck because he definitely is not easy.
The only reason for rating this professor a 1 in "Easiness" is because he doesn't actually proved his assignment expectations ahead of the assignment. Like the other student says, Mr. Levine does not grade on the written instructions for the assignment, but grades how he feels the assignment should be and will tell you the extra requirements that he's added to the assignment only after grading it. I would never recommend this instructor.
The class was pretty hard and held to a high standard which was great, it pushed the students to do better. However the professor is not helpful at all. His directions don't actually match what he wants you to do and he won't tell you are doing it wrong until it's to late to fix it. It's almost as if he wants everyone to do badly. He doesn't better explain questions asked about the course work and he grades very hard, he grades as if this is not an intro class and everyone has been studying philosophy for at least four years. It actually seems like he doesn't care at all about the students or helping them.


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