Marc Spittler

School: Valencia Community College
Department: History
Location:Orlando, FL
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
Took an online course with Mr. Spittler. I passed with a high grade. Here is the run down. The grading criteria is a shifting morass with an apparent focus that only loosely resembles the actual CMoS/ Turabian citation formatting rules he claims to use as a rubric, over multiple papers due every week. The instructions are unclear, and he will take points arbitrarily without any forewarning of standards. The teacher does not actual teach. After an entire semester, I did not receive a single lesson. Not one lecture. Nothing but shallow, kitschy, useless youtube videos he did not create. If you have any interest in History, avoid this 'teacher'. He is phoning it in, at your expense. -Unclear grading criteria, you figure out what he expects by him grading papers - which means its too late for that assignment. -Zero actual teaching from a University teacher, which is wild to me. -Not actually a Historian, but a PhD in education, which is also wild considering his incredible lack of any self-respecting personal standard.


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