Kent Jennings

School: University of Michigan
Department: Political Science
Location:Ann Arbor, MI
Overall Rating
rated by 2 students
Rating Comment
There are certain professors in the world of academia who have the inane ability to render a subject so monotonous and juvenile that attending class is a waste of time and getting productive and substantive education is beyond hope.Kent Jennings is just such a professor. I have attended several institutions of higher learning over several years and he is easily the worst professor I ever had. Kent Jennings simply lacks the people skills to create a productive and beneficial learning environment. He uses entire class periods to make one or two childishly simple points. Kent Jennings is a statistician who should be in an office far removed from any interpersonal environment where he can cause damage. Kent Jennings plays favorites and fosters heated political dialogue in which he punishes those with viewpoints he doesn't agree with. He ignores students simply on account of their viewpoints being inconsistent with his racist and extremist views. He encourages class participation, but not sharing his opinions means not being called on. How can someone with such contempt for students be teaching? Kent Jennings created such acrimony among students that an informal support group formed among class members. On evaluation day, some students said "pay-back!" and scrambled to bubble in all the 1's on their evaluation scantrons.I attended class every day but finished the class feeling like I learned nothing.
Horrible professor at The University of Michigan.


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