John Tuinstra

School: University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Department: Music
Location:Whitewater, WI
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
Tuinstra is a joke. I have a lot of problems with him as a teacher. For one his syllabus is the most incongruent piece of literature I have ever read. Not only is it unorganized, but things that should be mentioned on the rubrics for his paper and not mentioned on the rubrics but are in the syllabus. He is unwilling to communicate via email. He will tell you to speak with him in class or come to office hours. He will frequently cancel his office hours on days before tests and papers are due. He doesn't post his powerpoints online, although his powerpoints are also useless. He stops class if anyone and I mean anyone is on their phone and publically humiliates them in front of the class. His due dates for papers are strict. Even if you have an emergency there is no guarantee he will give you credit. His tests are filled and I mean filled with trick questions. The other WOTA teachers understand they are teaching a freshman-level gen ed class and make the class much easier than Tuinstra. He has a doctorate and won't let you ever forget that he is superior to you. Talks loud for no reason and asks stupid questions people don't want to answer because the answer is obvious. 10/10 would not recommend. fuck this guy.


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