Jill Yee

School: City College of San Francisco
Department: Psychology
Location:San Francisco, CA
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
I went to her when she was Dean of Behavioral Sciences to discuss the misconduct of an instructor. Dean Yee was intimidating, condescending, and failed to help. She just sided with her instructor and blamed me instead. She wanted me out of the class/college instead of having empathy and helping me find solutions. I contacted her again for a follow-up visit and to discuss difficulties in another class. She failed to respond to my email, even after I followed up. She was very unprofessional. I called her office several times, and finally reached her. She was very upset and antagonistic when she answered the phone. She is an aggressive and unfriendly dean who backs up her own instructors and blamed me instead. She wanted me out of the classes and college instead of helping make things work for me.


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