Jeremy Bassetti

School: Valencia Community College
Department: Not Specified
Location:Orlando, FL
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
This teacher doesn't like to work with the disabled online; he is disrespectful and unprofessional. Because I called him out on his syllabus being wrong, he failed me in all ways. He has his favorites. Two years ago, four students plagiarized in his class, and he gave them an opportunity to make it up. I actually spent 7 days on my paper, and he accused me of plagiarism and said I only had one chance because of school policy. He is a LIAR, and he doesn't like working with the disabled.  I will recommend that he teach in jail. He is a horrible human being, and the other Dean's as well. They don’t like to be corrected. Jeremy Bassetti is a racist, and he discriminates against the disabled.  I will be attending a real college soon, and will be suing this community College.


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