Jeong-Rock Yoon

School: Clemson University
Department: Mathematics
Location:Clemson, SC
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
Dr. Yoon was my advisor. He is super strict but also super good. The way he thought and the way he spoke is full of logic, and you will learn what math is from all his actions. No joking, he is math. I always felt confident before asked him a question, and then felt I asked such a foolish question after I talked with him. He tried to make me to know I was always stupid and wrong while he was always correct. To be honest, I asked him many many questions, no matter how hard a question was, he could answer all. Years ago, he was sitting in a classroom for a talk, and he asked the guy who gave the topic too hard questions so that that guy could answer him. You could imagine how terrible for that sad guy.


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