Jason Lachniet

School: East Tennessee State University
Department: Mathematics
Location:Johnson City, TN
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
I took MTH 132- Business Mathematics under Mr. Jason Lachniet. It was a fast-paced asynchronous class. Pros: Mr. Lachniet was as personable as expected for an asynchronous class. He responded to emails regularly and kept the class updated. He was kind in his responses and responded quickly, sometimes almost immediately. He also recorded 3 or 4 really good videos - I wish there had been more. Cons: Though Mr. Lachniet was responsive, he did not always respond to every question within the email. I would have liked more thorough and complete replies. Sometimes thoroughness trumps speed. For instance, I asked if we had extra credit options at least 3 times and he never answered this. I am guessing this means no. I also prefer when a professor has a more transparent grading approach. I stressed myself out making sure to make a 100% on all homework and discussion assignments. I would re-work the problems as long as it took to ensure that I didn’t miss any. At the end of the course, he decided to drop the lowest homework and discussion grades. I had 100s so that did not benefit me at all. I wish I hadn’t spent as much time trying to be perfect and I would not have had I known there was room for error. It felt like his grading practices inadvertently rewarded the students who did not put forth as much effort. He did drop the mid-term if it would help your grade, but again, this was not really a benefit for me. I ended up with a “B” because I didn’t do great on the final, despite 100s throughout the course. I would have liked the syllabus to include the grading nuances so that I knew where to focus more time and energy. My approach was to be perfect on what I could control but in hindsight, I should have taken more time and energy reviewing notes. Advice: I would say not to stress yourself out trying to be perfect because he may drop grades even if it is not clear in the syllabus. I would also suggest asking only one question per email to ensure that all your questions get answered. Another thing to note is that the book and workbook are all online. I tend to do better with a book in hand. I also transpose numbers often and a computer system does not account for an accident like this. This is just something to be aware of if you struggle with Pearson.


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