James Lamb

School: Tri-County Technical College
Department: Mathematics
Location:Pendleton, SC
Overall Rating
rated by 4 students
Rating Comment
not a bad guy, but expect to get to his tests, which he hands out as written paper tests which is pretty much obsolete at this point in learning. Gives a very limited time duration to take a test. Expect when you take this class in person to see his personalized tests which you're blessed if over half of them make any sense. Solves problems wrong on the board. Called me out for "memorizing formula's,' and stating that you don't want to be the type of student who memorizes formula's. He didn't like using online resources and told me directly that I'm wasting my time studying the online book and material's because when it comes to his personalized tests, all my studying for his class will not help me pass his tests. I asked question's to clarify what he would not teach, but just talk about, he would answer the question's he felt like answering, and would get irritated and answer very obscurely. Yelled alot, banging his fists on desks and tables. Told us on the first day of class that it was not his job to teach us, it was our responsibility to already understand the material, and to teach ourselves. Please listen to me when I give this advice, I had to push back my graduation by 4 more months simply because this teacher decided to make this class exceedingly more difficulty than was actually necessary. Please do not make the same mistake that I did. Avoid this teacher.
He's a horrible teacher. I'm decent with math but not great. I work hard and finished last semester with an A in math. This teacher doesn't seem to care if you pass or fail. He tends to yell and slam books for no apparent reason while teaching. He is dry and has no personality.
He's a horrible teacher. I'm decent with math but not great. I work hard and finished last semester with an A in math. This teacher doesn't seem to care if you pass or fail. He tends to yell and slam books for no apparent reason while teaching. He is dry and has no personality.
Do not get this teacher! He does not know how to teach, he never explains anything and when you do ask a question you never get an answer. The tests are rediculous, they are only 4 to 5 questions! He is just overall a horrible teacher.
If you want to stuggle and have to teach your self then take this teacher but if not don't take him!


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