Gang Zhao

School: University of Akron
Department: Cultural Studies
Location:Akron, OH
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
TL;DR Unprofessional and poorly prepared. Had Professor Zhao spring 2020 for History of Ancient Empires. I asked the university for a refund (and got it too). During in person classes, his ppt and lectures were unfinished and he often tried to finish them in class. He abandoned the syllabus three weeks in, and the class had no text book or readings so it was impossible to prepare or learn the material on our own. When we asked him questions during class he often pretend not to hear or simply answered half of the question and moves on. But once covid began things went down hill. Firstly he did not contact class or respond to any of our emails until 2 weeks before finals, at which point he dropped two 5 page paper on us and said good luck. For the first 4 weeks of covid he gives us nothing, not even hey im alive, then boom have 10 pages to write. These two papers ended up being our only assignments for the entire class. After he graded these papers I and many students inquired what our grades were (as he did not use the online grade book, or post what we got on our papers) he was unable to and refused to provide the percentage we earned on our papers. All in all I found his inperson lectures to be unprofessional and his covid papers (as there were no other interactions after covid began) down right disgraceful. As I alluded to earlier, I filed a complaint and had the class refunded, it was honestly the worst college class experience I have ever had.


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