Dan Goodman

School: Palm Beach Atlantic University
Department: Theology
Location:West Palm Beach, FL
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
Dan E Goodman was a theology professor that taught his students to think for themselves, so that they could stand firm in their beliefs. He was twice named professor of the year and PBa had their annual awards named “the Dan E Goodman awards” until 2007, when then president Clark wiped his name off and threatened students with suspension if they mentioned him further. Professor Goodman passed away unexpectedly in 2009 but left a lasting impression (and a wealth of knowledge) to his students. His classes were not easy but thought-provoking. He was a good man & his family should know that there are still those of us that speak highly of him, and tell his story so that current and future PBA students can learn about him. In doing so it will remain, “the Dan E Goodman award”.


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