Cyril Keiffer

School: Owens Community College
Department: Computer Science
Location:Toledo, OH
Overall Rating
rated by 2 students
Rating Comment
This man should not be a professor. Wildly unhelpful and combative if you ask for help. He will just send you a youtube link and explain nothing. You have to learn for yourself because he just will not help you. Instructions were often unclear, poorly worded, misleading, or just all around unhelpful. I ended up dropping the class before the withdraw date. Have avoided him like the plague since.
Cyril is a HORRIBLE professor and I wouldn't recommend him to anyone. When I needed assistance with binary in IST 101 I emailed him to ask for help. He emailed me a Youtube video to watch. After watching the Youtube video, I still was having problems understanding so I emailed him again asking for a one on one lesson, and he just sent me an email telling me to go on Youtube and find a different video instead. I then emailed him telling him how unproffesional this was on his part, and how its his job to help a student if they're having problems understanding. he then emailed me back stating how I was childish and how in the "real world" I wouldn't be able to have someone to help me on things that I'm struggling with. To me this made no sense as this is COLLEGE and I have professors for a reason, and they're supposed to be able to help me as they know the material. I then spoke to my Advisor about it. She asked to see the emails so I sent them to her. I haven't heard back yet, but after all this, I went to the Learning commons to look for a tutor, and she couldn't even understand his problems, as most of the answers to the questions were incorrect! I then emailed him about these and he fixed them, but there were a few that took points off that I never caught. And these incorrect answers to questions weren't just on 2 questions, about 8 of the 20 questions on EVERY quiz he made, either made absolute no sense, or all the answers were wrong, and every time I'd have to take the time out and email him telling him what was wrong and why, and after a few quizzes, I decided to withdraw from the dumb class. I had to pay $270 and now I have to retake it this semester in order to finish my degree, but this time I'm doing it on campus with a much better professor. Awful isn't even a word to describe this guy.


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