Christian Stehr

School: Oregon State University
Department: German
Location:Corvallis, OR
Overall Rating
rated by 2 students
Rating Comment
I'm proud to be a graduate of Oregon State University. My career in the paper and printing industry began was spent in Boise Cascade, International Paper and for the past 20 years I was a contracted consultant serving equipment manufacturers and later with the largest consumer product companies around the world. At Oregon State, I took German courses with Dr. Christian Stehr and Frau Manning. OSU had a foreign student exchange program, which allowed me to attend the Technical School of Printing and Media in Stuttgart, West Germany my Junior Year of college. After my language exam requirement, Dr. Stehr told me that I'd be fluent in 4 months. He was correct. I went on to serve large consumer product companies throughout Mexico, Europe and Asia. Dr. Stehr's approach on learning German served as a guideline for learning Spanish, and even Chinese -- I developed a method of learning: go to the foreign countries and immerse, capture the basic grammar, use of most frequently used sentence structures, master all prepositions, conjugation... the rest are nouns! Herr Stehr -- I'm proud to have been one of your students. Frau Manning was also very fine, extremely elegant and generous.
Great teacher.


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