Barbara Bevington

School: Queens College
Department: Languages
Location:Flushing, NY
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
One of the really good professor who truly care and want her students to do well. However this is no walk in the park course and you MUST study to do well. Attend her lectures and pay attention because you will see the same questions on your exams - no surprises. It is a difficult course but Professor Bevington makes herself available to everyone during office hours and via email. Take her for Linguistics if it is a course that you need to do. You will learn.
Strangely enough, this is a difficult course for people who already know and speak English fluently. I thought this course would be a walk in the park but it was not. Professor Bevington made herself available for questions via emails and during her office hours always. You will need to study well for exams - not easy. However, I got an acceptable grade because of the effort that she made to help me. I can easily say that as a professor she cares about her students and will take the time out to respond always. A must take!!!


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