School: Brooklyn College
Department: English
Location:Brooklyn, NY
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
This particular professor works at the Rowan Community College of Burlington County in New Jersey. DO NOT take ANY classes from this "teacher". I can't even put into words how she is very broad and unspecific she is in her teachings, therefore leaves the class to guess on what you're supposed to be working on. She is known to have favoritism and is unwilling to help students if she simply doesn't like them. She will make you do projects to which you basically teach yourself and your classmates. I might as well just taken this course online. She doesn't want to do HER job so she makes the students teach each other. If you don't agree with her point of view on certain topics like the use of technology in society, she'll lower your grade based on an assignment that isn't even real. Ask her on why she graded you poorly, your voice doesn't matter.


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