Allan Bonamy

School: Daytona State College
Department: Chemistry
Location:Daytona Beach, FL
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
Horrible professor. If you want to pass Chemistry don't take his classes. He is very condescending and treats students very poorly and is mean to them. His lecture's don't make sense because he goes way to fast on the topics/PowerPoints and doesn't care if the students are asking him to go back to the previous slide so they can learn and take down the notes on that slide. He makes you feel incredibly stupid when you ask him a question because he expects you to know the answer right away. He always tries to intimidate students and it makes it harder for them to ask questions or get help from him because of his callous attitude. He is very old, almost 90! His teaching style is incredibly ancient and hard to follow/understand he needs to retire and DSC should hire a new professor and get rid of him. I know that ALOT of students would like for him to retire.


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